home remodeling contractors

'Green' Your Home with Natural, Sustainable American Hardwoods

(ARA) -  Looking for an earth-friendly way to add beauty and warmth to your home? Green, sustainable American hardwood floors, cabinetry and trim add natural elegance to today’s interiors.

American hardwoods are homegrown. According to the American Hardwood Information Center (www.hardwoodinfo.com), you don’t have to search the globe for renewable and sustainable materials. Locally harvested alder, birch, cherry, hickory, maple and oak, just to name a few species, have been bringing warmth and beauty to homes for centuries.

If you are an environmentally conscious consumer looking to remodel your home with green materials, consider these reasons for choosing American hardwoods:

* Tried and True. American hardwoods are classic and lend character and distinction to
the home. They are the gold standard for floors, cabinets, furniture, woodwork, paneling and trim.

* Renewing Resource. Naturally abundant in American forests, nearly twice as much hardwood grows as is harvested each year. The volume of hardwoods is 90 percent larger than it was 50 years ago, according to the U.S. Forest Service. That’s the very definition of sustainability.

* Lasting value. With useful lives spanning generations, furniture, flooring, cabinetry and trim crafted of American hardwoods will be around long after their synthetic counterparts.  

* Selection. Nearly two dozen abundant species provide plenty of variety in color, grain, character and pattern, giving you more choices than any other temperate hardwood forest in the world.

* Healthy. Low-VOC finishes keep hardwoods looking great and performing well. They’re easy to maintain with non-toxic cleaners and they don’t trap dust, dirt and other allergens.

Five Ways to Go Green with American Hardwoods

1. Begin with the floor. Create a border around a lighter toned floor with medium toned hardwoods in contrasting shades. Hardwood inlays and stenciling are another way to add character or carve out distinct living areas within a large open space.

2. Make a statement with built-in cabinets featuring several contrasting hardwoods.

3. Upgrade your table. Ssolid hardwood can stand up to a busy family’s wear and tear.

4. Add interest with moldings, window trim, picture or chair rail, paneling and wainscoting.

5. Try a tray ceiling for the “wow” effect.

For more ideas on adding warmth and elegance to your home with American hardwoods, visit the American Hardwood Information Center at www.hardwoodinfo.com .

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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