What You Should Know About Green Building
As Denver homeowners begin to realize the impact we make on the world
around us, going green is becoming a phenomenon. So, just what is green
There has been an increasing concern with environmental and pollution
issues in recent years. This has not come about completely without some
serious justification. All indications are that we are in a serious
crisis. The green construction movement is a reaction to this crisis.
Green construction is a home, building, or other structure that is
built, maintained, repaired, or even demolished with thought to the
environmental impact. This impact may take several forms.
One of these forms is energy
efficiency remodeling. The production of electricity from the
burning of fossil fuels is one of the most harmful activities to the
environment in existence today. Green structures incorporate renewable
energy sources that might include the use of wind, solar, low impact
hydropower, or biothermal energy. The source of power is not the only
concern. Another concern is the reduction of power use in lighting and
Water pollution is another concern addressed in green construction. This
is especially true in the case of urban runoff. Storm water runoff is a
major source of pollution in rivers and lakes. Green structures take
into consideration the reduction of all toxic materials. This includes
mercury, asbestos, and lead. These three substances have been linked to
major health problems.
Green Building also is involved in waste. Waste is a key word. Waste can
be reduced. It can be reused and recycled. The reduction of waste in
construction, or renovation, and even demolition involves such things as
proper disposal of materials. Landscaping is also involved. Large scale
landscaping projects involved with Green Building seek to protect and
preserve natural resources as much as possible.
The above are just some of the factors that are part of the green
construction movement. They have in common a concern for the
environment. There are a wide range of issues that are nearing the real
danger point. Global warming has become more than just a liberal hobby,
and a recognized scientific fact. Pollution of the sea and the waterways
is endemic and increasing. Asbestos and lead have poisoned and sickened
People are beginning to wake up and realize that we live on a fragile
planet and we continue to abuse it at our risk. The green construction
movement is a place to stop the slide, and return to sanity. It is a
grassroots movement that offers hope not only to us, but also to the
generations that will follow us upon this earth.
Zack Verde is with
http://www.GreenBuildingCompanies.com - providing information on green building
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